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/ The Games Machine 149 / XENIATGM149.iso / FIFA 2003 / fifa2003_netita.exe / data / ANMNB___.PFB / ANMNB___.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  2002-09-04  |  37KB
Labels: bulletin board | door | earth | paper | person | sky | stairway | web site
OCR: abcdef Fghijklmnopqrs tuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKL MNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 @#$%^& .[]{}|\":;/? The quick broWn fox jumps oVer the lazy dog 18 The quick br "own fox jumps over the lazy Bop 24 The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The qui c k brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The qui c k brown fox jumps over the lazy The qui ck brown fox jumps over The qui c k brown fox i umps guick